1. By booking with Spookseekers Paranromal you agree to receive any emails, texts or phone calls related to your booking or the booked event you have made with us.
2. Events are open to people aged eighteen and over only. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who appears to be under the age of 18 unless photo proof of identity is provided i.e., Passport or Driving Licence. These events are not recommended for persons of a nervous disposition, anyone with a known heart condition, anyone with severe disabilities or pregnant women.
3. It is recommended that people taking part in events:
4. Event participants must take full responsibility for any personal equipment or clothing; Spookseekers Paranormal takes no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage during the course of an event and cannot be held liable for any such incidence. This includes loss or injury during the course of any paranormal occurrence such as poltergeist activity.
5. People attending events must make their own travel arrangements to and from locations and this includes any overnight accommodation should the need arise. Spookseekers Paranormal cannot be held liable for any payment regarding travel and/or accommodation.
6. Spookseekers Paranormal have a strict zero tolerance to drugs and/or alcohol, if you are deemed to be under influence we reserve the right to refuse entry the event. In this event, the person will be asked to leave the location immediately and no refund will be made.
7. If during the course of an event anyone displays aggressive behaviour either towards other participants or to any member of the investigation team, then Spookseekers Paranormal reserves the right to ban such person(s) from taking further part and they will be required to leave the location immediately.
8. If unforeseen circumstances prevail, Into the Spookseekers Paranormal reserve the right to cancel an event and to notify all persons booked on the event. In this instance, a refund of the balance monies only minus deposit will be made, or alternative dates and venues will be offered.
9. Tickets are not permitted to be resold/transferred to a third party. This is to ensure that all attendees are fully aware of these Terms and Conditions of sale and that into we are aware of all parties attending prior to an event. Spookseekers Paranormal reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who has purchased tickets through unofficial sources.
10. Your acceptance to these terms and conditions is deemed at the time of booking and in doing so we are indemnified against all legal liability in respect of claims or costs for any personal loss, damage to self or property, personal injury or death arising from your participation during the course of our paranormal investigations. It is strongly advised that you have your own third-party public liability insurance.
Cancellations / Refunds
It is your responsibility at the time of booking to ensure that you are able to make the event date as Spookseekers Paranormal cannot offer a refund or transfer your places if you are unable to attend. Locations are paid in advance and these costs are owed even if you cannot make the event. All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. If the balance payment is not received by the due date, Spookseekers Paranormal have the right to re-sell your place.
All guests need to be directed towards SpookseekersParanormal Terms and Conditions and it will be deemed that the person(s) purchasing your tickets have been asked by you to ensure that the terms and conditions have been read and agreed by all concerned. Failure to do so will result in the guests not being allowed to enter the location.
Guest Code of Conduct:
Spookseekers Paranormal expect all guests to adhere to the following code of conduct, we reserve the right to ask guests to leave if they fail to adhere to the code of conduct:
Spookseekers Paranormal do not take responsibility for any activity that occurs or doesn't. We cannot guarantee you will experience activity and if you do what type will occur we do NOT manipulate whatsoever.
Ghost Hunt at Doncaster Air Museum
Saturday 29th March
8pm till 1am
£30 per Ticket
** SOLD OUT **
Join Spookseekers Paranormal on a ghost hunting event at this most haunted of former R.A.F bases. The site was used during the Second World War by the R.A.F, preceding that it was a civilian air field. What is not realised about this site is that there are reportedly numerous incidents of, paranormal activity recorded in an and around the many buildings.
Come along and investigate which restless souls still inhabit this former R.A.F base, which spirits walk the corridors of the buildings and stroll around the site.
GhostHunt at Anninson Funeral Parlour
Saturday 12th April 2025
9pm till 2am
£30 per ticket
** Book Now with a £10 Deposit OR Pay In Full and get 2 Tickets for £50 **
A funeral parlour provokes many images and none of them pleasant. Imagine being inside a funeral parlour in the dead of night and walking through an embalming room and mortuary that has been left exactly as it was over 30 years ago. If this is something that you believe that you are capable of doing, now is your chance. An overnight ghost hunt at Annison Funeral Parlour awaits you along with all the spirits and ghosts that linger.
Ghost Hunt & Sleepover at Borwick Hall
Saturday 13th September 2025
5pm till 10am
£65 per Ticket
** SOLD OUT **
A ghost hunt at the Historic Borwick Hall near Carnforth, Lancashire, is an opportunity you won’t want to miss. Mentioned in the Domesday Book as the manor of Borwick, the oldest surviving parts of the building are from the 14th century when a Pele Tower was constructed to ward off marauding Scots.
With such a long and colourful history, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there are a fair few ghosts in residence. Since the hall was opened as an Education Centre by Lancashire Council, the number of paranormal reports has skyrocketed.
Young residents complain of cries and moans from empty rooms in the dead of night. In one instance, a group of boys plucked up the courage to investigate the strange noises, only to be confronted by a man’s apparition staring menacingly at the end of the corridor.
There are tales of the White Lady who haunts the tower. She’s described as young and pretty but with a distinct melancholy demeanour. Her ghost still haunts the tower, where she was held captive by her father until she agreed to marry a man she did not love. Her heart belonged to another, so she refused the arrangement and died of starvation after her father wouldn’t set her free.
Many other ghosts are believed to haunt this foreboding building, with visitors and staff refusing to enter certain areas on their own.
Are you brave enough to take on this unnerving country house in the dead of night? Not only will you be joining a real paranormal investigation, you’ll also have the option to spend the night!
Halloween Ghost Hunt at Armley Mills
Saturday 1st November 2025
8pm till 1am
£50 per person
** Book Now with a £15 Deposit **
The Satanic Mills in Armley is a haven for haunted activity !!
Armley Mills has an infamous reputation as being haunted. Many visitors and guests have reported a variety of strange and spooky events, which isn’t surprising given the mill’s turbulent past. Ghost hunts here are particularly intense, with sightings of a Victorian gentleman, smells of burning and tobacco, doors inexplicably slamming shut, heavy footsteps, cries of children, ghostly shadows and moving objects. All of these unexplained occurrences have left witnesses terrified.